We had the situation lately where we have a bunch of modules in a project and a common parent.  Now when we go to update the project version we need to update the parent version in EVERY pom.

Lets take a look at a simple project

This project has three simple modules which have a common parent

1:  <project>  
3:      <modelVersion>4.0.0</modelVersion>  
4:      <packaging>pom</packaging>  
5:      <name>Three Stooges</name>  
6:      <groupId>oracle.blogger</groupId>  
7:      <artifactId>stooges</artifactId>  
8:      <version>1.0.0-SNAPSHOT</version>  
9:      <properties>  
10:          <project.build.sourceEncoding>UTF-8</project.build.sourceEncoding>  
11:      </properties>  
12:      <modules>  
13:          <module>larry</module>  
14:          <module>curley</module>  
15:          <module>moe</module>  
16:      </modules>  
17:  </project>  

Each module inherits from the parent including the version.  Lets take a look at Larrys module.

1:  <project>  
3:      <modelVersion>4.0.0</modelVersion>  
4:      <packaging>jar</packaging>  
5:      <name>Larry</name>  
6:      <artifactId>larry</artifactId>  
7:      <parent>  
8:          <groupId>oracle.blogger</groupId>  
9:          <artifactId>stooges</artifactId>  
10:          <version>1.0.0-SNAPSHOT</version>  
11:      </parent>  
12:  </project>  

In our larger project, we had over 20 of these to change at once when we branched for release

Instead, we introduced a revision property in the parent pom, which was then used to be the version in all the pom's. Here's the modified parent pom with the revision in place.

1:  <project>  
3:       <modelVersion>4.0.0</modelVersion>  
4:       <packaging>pom</packaging>  
5:       <name>Three Stooges</name>  
6:       <groupId>oracle.blogger</groupId>  
7:       <artifactId>stooges</artifactId>  
8:       <version>${revision}</version>  
9:       <properties>  
10:            <project.build.sourceEncoding>UTF-8</project.build.sourceEncoding>  
11:            <flatten.version>1.0.1</flatten.version>  
12:            <!-- Build Revision -->  
13:            <revision>1.0.1-SNAPSHOT</revision>  
14:       </properties>  
15:       <modules>  
16:            <module>larry</module>  
17:            <module>curley</module>  
18:            <module>moe</module>  
19:       </modules>  

and in each of the children, that change propagates like this.

1:  <project>  
2:       <modelVersion>4.0.0</modelVersion>  
3:       <packaging>jar</packaging>  
4:       <name>Larry</name>  
5:       <artifactId>larry</artifactId>  
6:       <parent>  
7:            <groupId>oracle.blogger</groupId>  
8:            <artifactId>stooges</artifactId>  
9:            <version>${revision}</version>  
10:       </parent>  
11:  </project>  

Now, for most things, this all works and we can see that in the build.

But, when we deploy these builds to artifactory, we need to flatten the poms with the versions so that they can be used for versioning.  We can use the Maven Flatten Plugin from mojoHaus to help with this. What this does to the pom is:

  • Build specific elements are removed
  • Development specific elements are removed by default
  • It only contains elements required for users of your artifact
  • Its variables are resolved
  • Its parent relationship is resolved, flattened and removed
  • Its build time driven profiles can be evaluated so their impact gets embedded
  • JDK or OS driven profiles still remain allowing dynamic dependencies if needed

  • Add it to your parent pom pluginManagement section.

    1:       <build>  
    2:            <pluginManagement>  
    3:                 <plugins>  
    4:                      <plugin>  
    5:                           <groupId>org.codehaus.mojo</groupId>  
    6:                           <artifactId>flatten-maven-plugin</artifactId>  
    7:                           <version>${flatten.version}</version>  
    8:                           <configuration>  
    9:                                <updatePomFile>true</updatePomFile>  
    10:                           </configuration>  
    11:                           <executions>  
    12:                                <execution>  
    13:                                     <id>flatten</id>  
    14:                                     <phase>process-resources</phase>  
    15:                                     <goals>  
    16:                                          <goal>flatten</goal>  
    17:                                     </goals>  
    18:                                </execution>  
    19:                                <execution>  
    20:                                     <id>flatten.clean</id>  
    21:                                     <phase>clean</phase>  
    22:                                     <goals>  
    23:                                          <goal>clean</goal>  
    24:                                     </goals>  
    25:                                </execution>  
    26:                           </executions>  
    27:                      </plugin>  
    28:                      <plugin>  
    29:                           <groupId>org.eclipse.m2e</groupId>  
    30:                           <artifactId>lifecycle-mapping</artifactId>  
    31:                           <version>${lifecycle-mapping.version}</version>  
    32:                           <configuration>  
    33:                                <lifecycleMappingMetadata>  
    34:                                     <pluginExecutions>  
    35:                                          <pluginExecution>  
    36:                                               <pluginExecutionFilter>  
    37:                                                    <groupId>org.codehaus.mojo</groupId>  
    38:                                                    <artifactId>flatten-maven-plugin</artifactId>  
    39:                                                    <versionRange>[0,)</versionRange>  
    40:                                                    <goals>  
    41:                                                         <goal>flatten</goal>  
    42:                                                    </goals>  
    43:                                               </pluginExecutionFilter>  
    44:                                               <action>  
    45:                                                    <ignore></ignore>  
    46:                                               </action>  
    47:                                          </pluginExecution>  
    48:                                     </pluginExecutions>  
    49:                                </lifecycleMappingMetadata>  
    50:                           </configuration>  
    51:                      </plugin>  
    52:                 </plugins>  
    53:            </pluginManagement>  
    54:            <plugins>  
    55:                 <plugin>  
    56:                      <groupId>org.codehaus.mojo</groupId>  
    57:                      <artifactId>flatten-maven-plugin</artifactId>  
    58:                 </plugin>  
    59:            </plugins>  
    60:       </build>  

    This will run as part of the build like this

    and will produce a flattened pom for you

    without all the variables and so on as detailed above.
    mvn clean will remove all created files afterwards to leave your original pom.xml.  The pull request in the repo looked like this before merge.


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