This, the last part of a four part tutorial goes over the movement of data using files generated by Oracle SQL Developer.  In part 1 we generated the offline capture scripts to take to the SQL Server machine, unloaded the metadata, zipped it up and copied it back to out local machine. In part 2 we used SQL Developer to create a migration project and load the capture files into SQL Developer.  We then converted the metadata into its Oracle equivalent. In  Part 3, we were able to generate DDL and run this DDL against an Oracle database.
Looking at the data move scripts that we generated in an earlier part.  We need to zip up the files and copy them to the SQL Server machine to run.  Lets look at that now.  The images below show the files moved to our SQLServer machine.  We go into the main directory under data move and run the bat file MicrosoftSQLServer_data.bat.  This batch file takes a number of parameters

This script then unloads the data from the database for the databases selected earlier.  We can see the dat files in the image above.  Now, we just need to go and transfer the data to the Oracle database machine for loading.  We can go back out to the main datamove directory and zip up the entire directory including the scripts.  We then need to ftp that to the database machine.  
The files need to be unzipped on the machine and cd into the main directory until you find a file called

We can run the files as below.  The output below shows the exact output of running the script on the data we have taken from SQL Server.

[oracle@Unknown-08:00:27:c8:2a:1c 2013-10-08_00-05-16]$ sh ./ orcl blog blog
/scratch/datamove/2013-10-08_00-05-16/Northwind /scratch/datamove/2013-10-08_00-05-16
/scratch/datamove/2013-10-08_00-05-16/Northwind/dbo_Northwind /scratch/datamove/2013-10-08_00-05-16/Northwind

SQL*Plus: Release Production on Mon Oct 7 18:58:42 2013

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SQL*Loader: Release - Production on Mon Oct 7 18:58:47 2013

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Copyright (c) 1982, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates.  All rights reserved.

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With the Partitioning, OLAP, Data Mining and Real Application Testing options
[oracle@Unknown-08:00:27:c8:2a:1c 2013-10-08_00-05-16]$ 

We can now take a look at some data in the Oracle database by going to the dbo_northwind connection we made earlier and look at the data.

And thats it. In these four parts we have generated capture scripts from SQLDeveloper to unload metadata from SQLServer. In part two, we loaded the metadata and converted it into an Oracle version. In Part three, we generated the DDL and ran it creating the new Oracle users. In part 4, we unloaded the data and copied it to the oracle machine.  We then loaded it using the scripts we generated from Oracle SQL Developer.


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