SQL Developer 3.1 EA is now available for download here.   Have a look and try out several of the new features introduced as part of this release.  We have done a lot of work around adding DBA functionality for RMAN, Datapump and other features and vastly improved Database Diff, Database Copy and Database Export.
In Migration, we've introduced a TeraSQL translator and greatly enhance our Sybase TSQL parse. We've also done a lot of work with insight, including templates for most statements directly from published documentation and added column formatting for SQL*Plus.  These are only some of the highlights for this release and we will publish a full list soon.
As usual, you can ask us any questions on the forum or add a feature request.  Let us know what you think!

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Try this in bash

git p

You get a file names p or a list of them.  Thats not much good, but there is a great bash completion library which you can source in your .bashrc to give you valid completion targets

$git p
$git p

Pull this file and source it in your .bashrc

$wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/git/git/master/contrib/completion/git-completion.bash
$echo . $PWD/git-completion.bash >> ~/.bashrc

Open up a new terminal window and enjoy.


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